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UNA-UK is the only charity in the UK devoted to building support for the UN amongst policymakers, opinion-formers and the public. We believe that a strong, credible and effective UN is essential if we are to build a safer, fairer and more sustainable world. We advocate strong government support for the UN - political and financial - and seek to demonstrate why the UN matters to people everywhere.

We derive great strength from our UK-wide network of members and UNA Groups. Together, they form a critical mass of support for the UN in the UK and beyond.

We want to ensure anyone and everyone is able to join our people’s movement – with no financial barriers to inclusion – and stand with us for a strong, credible and effective UN. So you can now join UNA-UK by making a financial donation, at a rate that works for you and which is most suitable to your circumstances, or by making a non-financial contribution through engagement in our campaigns, initiatives, and UNA Group activities. (Or both!)

The UN stands for us all. We stand for the UN. Will you stand with us?

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