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UNA Westminster: New book chronicle the careers of leading interwar political cartoonists

Westminster UNA hosted an informative event titled “How two cartoonists portrayed international cooperation with wit and satire”. This introduced the remarkable collaboration between Aloïs Derso and Emery Kelen who first worked together in 1923 and continued until well after World War Two.  

Stefan Slater and David Macfadyen, co-authors of “The Political Cartoons of Derso and Kelen: Years of Hope and Despair” (Lund Humphries 2023), introduced the work and careers of the two cartoonists, revealing their extraordinary political insights into international affairs. Drawing on their own original research, the co-authors led their audience through the key moments in history so forensically captured by these two artists through their cartoons, a format too little recognised as valid historical evidence. Later, the co-authors responded to questions from the audience before signing copies of their book. 

The meeting was held in the Chapel of Methodist Central Hall Westminster with the kind agreement of the Revd Tony Miles, Superintendent Minister.